Technology Tools and Learning: Mobile Learning, Multimedia, Games, and Gamification


Padlet 😎

Technology continues to transform education and empower students in their learning journey. Educational institutions must make the difficult decision of whether devices and technology models will help them realize their ambitions of transforming learning. Device decisions should be decided in collaboration with numerous stakeholders and after assessing how educators and students utilize the devices on a daily basis (1). There are various technology tools which can be utilized in educations.

One particular technology I am not familiar with is Padlet. Padlet is a collaborative learning platform that allows you to create single or several walls that may hold all of the content you want to publish. It's a blank canvas for everything from films and photographs to documents and audio (2). Padlet enhances the concept of the notice board by digitizing it. This creates a space for educators and students to collaborate in a way that is superior to the real-world version (2).  Padlet creates a space full of media such as word, videos and links which can be updated for sharing. It allows for media to be kept private, public or shared with a particular group of people, thus making it a great tool for teaching and learning. Padlet may be integrated with apps such as Google Classroom and a variety of learning management systems (LMS). These can also be incorporated in other places, such as a blog or a school website (2).

In education Padlet can be utilized in many different ways to facilitate teaching and learning. Firstly, it can be used for brainstorming of ideas. A board with a discussion can be posted and students can share their ideas and make comments on the board. This is a good way for collaboration and open discussion among students. Secondly, Padlet can be used as a student portfolio tool. Educators can create boards for each student and allow them to post assignments, articles, and projects there (3). Educators can comment on each portfolio and provide relevant input. Thirdly, educators can use Padlet as a tool to allow students to post educational videos which link can be shared with others in the class. These videos posted can also be sent to Google Classroom and eLearning for educators to mark for course total. Finally, students can use Padlet as a live question bank to post questions to instructors. Students who may not understand topics in class can post questions on the board, which the educator can answer after class.

Padlet like all technology learning tools have pros and cons when used in education.

The pros to Padlet are as follows: (4)

  • ·       It allows for real-time collaboration among students and the educator. Students are able to have an interactive session where they can receive effective feedback. The feedback is usually instant and requires no waiting time.
  • ·       Padlet offer students privacy as the option to share publicly, privately or with a specified group of individuals is available.
  • ·       Educator can configure Padlet so that responses are published immediately.
  • ·       Padlet is easily accessible as students do not have to create an account to access links.
  • ·       Padlet have great designs available. The site has pictures, fonts, color schemes, wallpapers or photography which is built in and can be used to complete projects. Also, students can extract designs form their phone device or the internet.

The cons to Padlet are as follows: (4, 5)

  • ·       Students must pay for access to advanced features. The free feature only allows the basic features.
  • ·       Educators have no control over what content students may post. Inappropriate content may be created by other users on the site.
Overall, Padlet creates an engaging environment for learning, therefore educators should consider using Padlet as a technology tool for students to use in meeting course objectives. 


1.     Use of Technology in Education for Learning and Teaching [Internet]. Intel. 2019. Available from:

2.     Edwards L. What is Padlet and How Does It Work for Teachers and Students? [Internet]. TechLearningMagazine. 2020. Available from:

3.     Renard L. 30 creative ways to use Padlet for teachers and students [Internet]. Book Widgets Blog. 2017. Available from:

4.     Pros and Cons of Padlet [Internet]. ELA Brave and True by Marilyn Yung. 2020. Available from:

5.     PROS AND CONS [Internet]. PADLET. Available from:




  1. I truly enjoyed reading your blog. I particularly like the video you included within your post which helped to further explain how to use Padlet. I have learned a lot and I now look forward to incorporating this instructional method in my own teaching sessions.

  2. This is a great avenue to use. Very informative and interesting. I will definitely try this tool in the future


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