The COI as a framework for online/blended learning


The Community of Inquiry (COI) theoretical framework provides a process of developing three interconnected elements: social, cognitive, and teaching presence, in order to create a deep and meaningful learning experience (1). The ability of learners to project their personal qualities into the community of inquiry, thereby presenting themselves as ‘real people,' is referred to as social presence. The ability of members in any particular configuration of a community of inquiry to generate meaning via prolonged dialogue is referred to as cognitive presence (1). Whereas the design, facilitation, and direction of cognitive and social processes for the purpose of realizing personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes is defined as teaching presence (1). The COI can be used as a framework to facilitate and enhance online/blended learning through use of media presentation such as YouTube, blogger and screencast-o-matic.

Educators have worked hard over the years to find ways to make learning more engaging and fascinating for students. Innovative training methodologies, such as video-based lectures, computer simulations, and animations available on YouTube, have reduced the need for onsite knowledge delivery (2). Utilizing online platforms such as YouTube can help learners to excel and progress with confidence. Personalized learning on YouTube can assist learners in managing the rate at which they absorb new material. The rising demand for video-based lectures in medical and nursing education on YouTube attests to the growing popularity of such endeavors in recent years (2). YouTube can be used to give newer instructional forms such as "flipped classroom" and the much more emerging "massive open online course" kinds of education to students in the health profession. Customized feedback and interaction between the educator and learner are features of YouTube learning. Learners can connect with the educator and request clarifications and extra information without needing to meet in person. YouTube has a wealth of free content available, allowing learners in even the most remote parts of the world to participate.

Nursing educators can use blogger as a tool for teaching and learning in nursing education. A blog is essentially an online information site that publishes articles or posts, images, links, video, and audio created by the site's creator, referred to as a blogger (3). Blogging help to enhance students writing skills and create an environment for communication which according to the COI framework is cognitive presence. Blogging serves as a kind of bridge between students, allowing them to learn from one another. Students can receive feedback from their peers as well as their instructor via blogging. Students' confidence might be boosted by receiving immediate feedback.

A screencast is a digital video and audio recording of what happens on the computer screen of a presenter, and it can be used to produce complex, information-rich multimedia presentations (4). In both distant and traditional learning contexts, screencasts can provide students with a student-centered and engaging learning experience. Instead of browsing through thousands of instructional screencast films on the web, educators can develop their own screencasts to correspond with class objectives, goals, assessment techniques, and standards (4). Screen casting can be used across the curriculum and in a variety of learning activities. Screencasts are a powerful instructive format for tutorials, demos, digital storytelling, and narrated PowerPoint presentations (4).

As education continues to advance the use of YouTube, blogging and screencast-o-matic along with other technology learning tools can be used interchangeably to create social, cognitive and teaching presence in online/blended nursing education. The COI framework creates a collaborative-constructivist learning environment for students and educators. The use of these online/blended learning tools are effective in meeting course objectives once educators and students use them correctly.



11.       The Community of Inquiry: About The Framework [Internet]. The Community of Inquiry. [cited 2022 Jun 30]. Available from:

2.       Hasamnis AA, Patil SS. YouTube as a tool for health education. Journal of Education and Health Promotion [Internet]. 2019 Dec 31; 8. Available from:

3.       Shannon M. What Is Blogging and Should Nurses Be Doing This? [Internet]. Online Nursing Degree Programs, Career Advice for CNA LPN RN’s. 2014 [cited 2022 Jun 30]. Available from:

4.Screencasting to Engage Learning [Internet]. 2012. Available from:






  1. Blogger is an excellent tool. I also like the concept of google slides which gives the option of interaction with students during the lesson.

  2. Very informative! I agree Youtube offers so many great resources for students.


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